

We had a fantastic contingent of 44 students head off to Nga Puna Wai for the West Zone Athletics on Monday 18th November. They had great weather to begin and then the hail, then thunder and lightning arrived. We are very proud of the fantastic sportsmanship of each Ilam Student. 
Below is a list of the students who have now made it into the next competition which is Canterbury Athletics. This will be held on Wednesday 4th December. 

Ethan:     Year 5 1st High Jump
Josh G:   Year 5  1st Discus
Josh VA:  Year 5 1st Shot Put, 2nd Discus
Charlotte:  Year 5 2nd Shot Put
Raeann:   Year 6 2nd Long Jump
Erica:        Year 6 1st 1000m
Emma:       Year 6 2nd Shot Put, 2nd Discus
James:      Year 6 1st Shot Put, 1st Discus, 2nd High Jump


Middle and Senior Athletics will be held on Tuesday 29th October. The postponement day is Thursday 31st October. 
All students may wear their house colours and sports gear, shorts, suitable sports shoes and they must wear their brimmed hat. Please make sure that they have plenty of food and their water bottle as it is a long and tiring day. If the weather is unsuitable then the call to postpone will be made by 8:00am on Tuesday morning. 
There will be a coffee van at Ilam School in the day!

Please see below the timetable for the day.